Our Staff

The Nursery is staffed by a well-established team of dedicated and committed nursery professionals using staff:child ratios among the highest in the profession. All staff are cleared to work with children through the DBS. We insist that all our staff possess a current paediatric First Aid qualification and safeguarding qualification which are renewed every 3 years. Because we recognise that only through a trained and motivated workforce we are able to provide the quality of care children deserve we encourage further training and development for all our staff. This training takes many forms (here's an example) from university degree courses through NVQ qualifications in association with a local college to individual day courses provided by the local authority and private training companies, full in house training days and individual mentoring whilst working with the children.
Please meet them below.

The Nursery Team
Meet Our Management 
Meet Our Senior Staff  
Meet Our Keyworkers  
Placeholder Picture

Meet Our Kitchen Staff