Welcome to Cressex Day Nursery
The Cressex Day Nursery opened in 1996 providing quality daycare for children in a loving and learning environment allowing parents to pursue their professional activities free from anxiety about their child's welfare.
Our latest OFSTED report rating us as outstanding in all areas of practice, and our testimonials from hundreds of satisfied parents show how well we have succeeded.
Aims of the Nursery
The Nursery aims:
*To provide young children with the best possible care outside their family, giving those with siblings within the setting opportunity to spend time together. Our team of dedicated staff care for the children in key groups ensuring we can recognise, respect and enjoy the individual personalities of all our children.
*To encourage learning through play and topical themes and by allowing the children to build on life experiences. Both planned activities and child initiated learning encourages the children throughout their development.
*To work closely with our parents, to we ensure that together we can build the best possible partnership between family and nursery.
Parental Involvement  
We endeavour to work in partnership with parents to ensure the overall well-being of their children. We recognise that parents and adults caring for their children working closely together has a measurable and lasting effect on their achievements.
We encourage parents to settle their children into the Nursery gradually. We welcome a series of visits to the Nursery until the children are settled and ready to allow their parents to leave without them.
Although staff are available every day to discuss the care your child receives and their development, we hold parents' evenings twice a year. This gives parents and staff the opportunity to meet to exchange information regarding the child's achievements and progress and to plan future strategies to improve development, in a calm and relaxed environment without the children present.
We encourage parents to take their child’s Learning Journey and Progress Record home on a regular basis. There is a designated area where each month, parents are invited to write their own comments and we welcome your input in all areas of your child’s book.
Parental Portal
The Nursery can provide an external login for each of our parents, to enable you to see the information our administration system holds on your child. Each login is secure and restricted to read-only views of information about your child. You will see that this includes your child’s details and contact details we hold, as well as the sessions your child is booked in for by date. There is also a facility to email the Nursery with any updates (or corrections). It also provides a means for looking at your account, including views of invoices issued with breakdowns of sessions charged and any extra “products” purchased.
Meet Our Staff
Click Here to meet our management, our senior staff, our keyworkers, our catering team and our specialist teachers.
Tour Our Nursery
Click Here to see the layout of the nursery and to visit all the rooms.
For children who may need a space please call us on
01494 474844or email us at
office@cressexdaynursery.co.ukfor up to date information on availability.
If you are interested in working for us send us your CV or call to enquire about current vacancies.